Here's a little pendant that needed a chain. I used Wildfire thread and had SOOO much trouble getting the last few stitches through the beads the more than once. Arrgh !
Monday, October 17, 2011
Purple Drops Tatted Necklace
New necklace...the second one using the pattern I designed for my mom's birthday necklace.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
PRS9E11 White Crest Necklace
Episode 11 of Project Runway, Season 9 featured the challenge to design a garment inspired by one of three live birds, a white crested cockatoo, a green amazon parrot and a jet black raven. The winning design was inspired by the raven, but this week, we could use any of the birds to inspire our accessory to embellish the runway. I selected lovely cockatoo because I remembered the large spoon shaped beads I had which, to me, resemble the crest feathers of the parrot. I myself have four small parrots, so this episode was really fascinating. I agree with the judges with their selection of Anya's raven inspired design as the winner, but a close runner up in my mind was Viktor's flowing white feathery gown.
Red Gem Ring
I started this little ring a few weeks ago to submit to the Embellishing the Runway Flickr group. This was supposed to go with the crazy long-legged design challenge. The red garment was spectacular...weirdly awesome in a way...and I thought the ring would be a nice touch. Here it is finally, better late than never !
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Green Droplets Tatted Necklace
My Mom's birthday was this week so I decided to try a pattern that was in my head to make a necklace for her in her favorite colors. After some tweaking of the stitch count, I got it to shape around the neck nicely, and used exactly the number of fringe beads I had on hand. This pattern was so successful, I think I will make a video tutorial when I'm in the mood.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Back on Track
After one entry in the Flickr group, Embellishing the Runway, followed by a series of now UFOs, I've managed to finish a bracelet to complement last week's winning (team competition) outfit, designed by Anya.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Triangle Earrings

I love to make beaded triangles as do many beadweavers, but when I submit items for jurying at Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery, there is a limit on what we call "like items." In other words, don't submit production work, or work that is so similar, it looks like you just cranked out a batch of the same design even if using different colors...making it a little tough on the beaded triangle addict. Hence this design which I came up with around midnight, the night before jurying. I turned the ol' triangle on its edge, added a moonstone oval drop bead and voila, a new design (for me at least). This pair went in the gallery, but I can make another just like it in case someone orders from my Etsy shop...did I mention, I LOVE TRIANGLES ???
Embellishing the Runway (with beads !)
Project Runway season 9 is in full swing, and this year, I decided (last minute) to join in the fun of designing accessories for each week's winning outfit and posting them in a Flickr group called
Embellishing the Runway. I knew about it last year from my beading friends on Facebook but didn't think I could keep up at the time. This year seems right so I joined a day before the first week deadline. I managed to create a simple bracelet which captures the colors of the winning design by Bert Keeter. I used a basic four bead herringbone stitch which works up quickly and chose some greys and orange (the closest thing I had was more of a pumpkin color). The winning design for this week seems to have stirred up alot of controversy and I'm late starting so it looks like some midnight beading sessions are in order this week ! More pictures posted in the coming weeks (fingers/beading needles crossed !)